Top 3 Costly Headshot Mistakes You Must Avoid

Tara Flannery is a  Certified Professional Photographer (CPP), Photographic Craftsman, and Master of Photography based in Houston, TX.  Tara Flannery Photography specializes in corporate headshots.  See more headshots in the gallery.  Contact me to book your professional headshot today!

Headshot Mistakes to Avoid

Unfortunately, many business and corporate professionals unknowingly make critical headshot mistakes that undermine their professional image. Your headshot is often the first impression you make on potential employers, clients, or collaborators. As a seasoned headshot photographer, I’ve seen it all, and I’m here to help you avoid the most common pitfalls. By addressing these three headshot mistakes, you’ll ensure your photo represents you at your best.

headshot mistakes to avoid

Using Outdated or Low-Quality Photos

One of the most prevalent headshot mistakes is using outdated or low-quality photos. Your headshot should be a current and an accurate representation of who you are today, not a nostalgic throwback to a past version of yourself.

Why It Matters:
An outdated photo can be misleading and unprofessional. Imagine meeting a potential client or employer, and they don’t recognize you because your headshot was taken a decade ago. This can erode trust and credibility before you even begin a conversation.

What to Do Instead:
Invest in a professional headshot session every couple of years, or sooner if you’ve undergone significant changes in appearance. Ensure your photo is high-resolution and well-lit, capturing you in your best light – literally and figuratively.

Opting for Casual or Inappropriate Attire

Your attire in a headshot speaks volumes about your professionalism and understanding of your industry. Casual or inappropriate clothing can send the wrong message and detract from your intended image.

Why It Matters:
Inappropriate attire can make you appear less serious or unaware of industry norms. A headshot intended for a corporate environment should exude professionalism and competence.

What to Do Instead:
Dress the part. If you’re in a corporate setting, opt for business attire that is clean, well-fitted, and aligns with industry standards. A lawyer’s headshot will differ from a tech startup founder’s, so tailor your wardrobe accordingly. Solid colors typically work best and avoid overly busy patterns that can distract from your face.

Poor Lighting and Distracting Backgrounds

Lighting and background choices can make or break a headshot. Poor lighting can cast unflattering shadows and obscure your features, while a busy background can draw attention away from you.

Why It Matters:
The primary focus of a headshot should be your face. Distracting elements can diminish the photo’s impact and make you appear less professional.

What to Do Instead:
Choose a professional photographer who understands the importance of good lighting and appropriate backgrounds. Natural light is often the most flattering, but controlled studio lighting can also work wonders. Opt for simple, uncluttered backgrounds that complement rather than compete with your image.

Actor and Model Headshots

Additional Tips for a Stellar Headshot

Facial Expression: Your expression can convey a lot about your personality. Aim for a friendly approachable smile, but avoid going overboard. A natural, confident expression works best.

Posture: Stand or sit up with your shoulders back. Good posture conveys confidence and professionalism.

Consistency Across Platforms: Ensure your headshot is consistent across all platforms, including LinkedIn or your website. This helps build a cohesive personal brand.


Avoiding these common headshot mistakes can significantly enhance your professional image and help you make a positive first impression. By using up-to-date, high-quality photos, dressing appropriately for your industry, and ensuring proper lighting and backgrounds, you can present yourself confidently and professionally.

As a professional headshot photographer, my goal is to help you look your best and communicate your professional brand effectively. Don’t underestimate the power of a great headshot – it’s an investment in your career that can pay off in countless ways.

Remember, your headshot is more than just a photo; it’s a visual representation of your professional identity. Make it count!

By following these tips and avoiding these common headshot mistakes, you can ensure that your photo accurately reflects your professional image, helping you to stand out in the business world. If you’re ready to update your headshot and put your best face forward, contact me today to schedule your session!

More Successful Headshot Sessions

Professional Headshots

professional corporate headshots

professional headshots
Houston Headshot Photographer Tara Flannery Photography

Tara Flannery is a  Certified Professional Photographer (CPP), Photographic Craftsman, and Master of Photography based in Houston, TX.  Tara Flannery Photography specializes in corporate headshots.  See more headshots in the gallery.  Contact me to book your professional headshot today!




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Tara is a member of the Professional Photographers of America PPA.
Tara is a Certified Professional Photographer.
Tara is a member of TPPA Texas Professional Photographer's Association.
Tara has earned her Master of Photography degree.
Tara has earned her Photographic Craftsman certification.
Tara is a member of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston PPGH.