Tara Flannery is The Woodlands family photographer and serves the greater Houston area. See more family portraits! Contact me to schedule your family portrait session today!
WHAT TO WEAR for family portraits??
As The Woodlands family photographer, this is the question that I hear most often. And I get it! This is the hardest part of preparing for your family portraits. It’s the hardest part for me too when I’m getting my family ready for the big day. All of my clients receive a welcome guide that includes tips and examples of how to plan the clothing for your family’s portraits.
Where to start?
- Start the planning process with the person who has the fewest clothing options. This is typically one of the kids. I start with my daughter and think about my clothing options while I’m looking in her closet.
- Find a piece that you love in a color that will work with other members of the family. Try to think ahead to other family members who can coordinate but not match.
- Then start to coordinate outfits. Dad and boys are easier because they can wear a neutral-colored pant/short with a collared shirt and be great!
Other things to keep in mind when selecting clothing for the family:
- Decide on a formal or casual look and make sure that everyone is dressed in that same style.
- Solid colors are best. Stay away from too much pattern.
- Accessories like jewelry, hats, scarves are great – just plan them and make sure they are not distracting.
- Plan all the way to the feet – shoes are likely to be in some of the photos so be sure that they match the outfit.
Visit my Pinterest page for ideas and examples of coordinated outfits. Most of all, have fun and don’t let this part stress you out! After all, the most important thing about family portraits is that you’re together and genuine smiles and connection win out every time over meticulously coordinated outfits. Be calm and dress on!
The Woodlands Family Photographer and The Davila Family
Mom, Erica is part of The Woodlands Moms of Multiples group. This is how I met the Davila family. I adore this family’s outfits. Mom and one of the girls are in mint green dresses. Dad and other daughter are in a pastel yellow with this girl’s dress tying all the colors together. The twins were great for our photo session even though it was a little late for them in the evening. We let them explore and play and just be themselves. This process allows me to capture true personalities and smiles. We found dogs and turtles along the way too! What a sweet family – I’m so glad I had the opportunity to capture this crazy beautiful time in their lives together!
Tara Flannery is The Woodlands family photographer and serves the greater Houston area. See more family portraits! Contact me to schedule your family portrait session today!