Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and Craftsman based in Houston, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in event photography and I love to photograph the National Charity League Senior Recognition. See more event photography in the gallery. Contact me to book your event today!
National Charity League Senior Recognition
The National Charity League is a multi-generational philanthropic organization of mother and daughters. We volunteer close to three million hours annually to over 6,000 charities in the United States. We practice philanthropy which is the active effort to promote human welfare. The organization strives to strengthen the mother-daughter relationship through community service, leadership development, and cultural experiences. My daughter and I are now part of a local chapter and have absolutely loved our volunteer opportunities – things that we would not have otherwise been exposed to. My daughter’s favorite shift has been working at the local children’s museum and helping with the crafts.
Cypress Creek Chapter
I have had the pleasure of working with the Cypress Creek chapter for a number of years. This chapter continues to amaze me with its grace, confidence, and heart. The senior recognition event honors the graduating high school seniors. Each senior is announced and her awards, accomplishments, and philanthropy are celebrated. Hearing the number of hours of volunteer work that these girls accomplish, in addition to their other school and extra-curricular activities is beyond comprehension. Amazing job, ladies. And all my best in your next adventures.
Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and Craftsman based in Houston, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in event photography. See more event photography in the gallery. Contact me to book your event today!