My mom is a breast cancer survivor – 17 years. But I remember the day she was diagnosed like it was yesterday. The doctor’s appointment took way too long. I sat at home waiting for my parents’ return from that appointment. Pacing the hallway with every agonizing minute passing. When they finally got home, I got the news. I was terrified. Our neighbor, a doctor, came over and reassured us that everything would be okay. But how do you know? Maybe it won’t. Thankfully, it was okay. After chemo, radiation, and surgery…and 17 years later. She’s okay.
My heart aches for those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are fighting. My heart aches for those families who are terrified with the diagnosis of someone they love.
So I do what I can. What I can do is help The Breast Cancer Charities of America whenever they have events. I was one of several photographers at this event…but my heart was in it all the way. Tears in my eyes as couples cross the finish line holding hands. They’ve been through it. And the woman with no hair finishing the race. She’s seen the darkness and made it to the other side. Victory. I will take photographs of these events until there is #nomorecancer.