Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and Craftsman based in Houston, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in corporate headshots and can help with headshot wardrobe. See more headshots in the gallery. Contact me to book your professional headshot today!
Headshot Wardrobe
Figuring out what to wear for your headshot is sometimes the hardest part of the whole process! But don’t worry! At Tara Flannery Photography, we will help you every step of the way. For business professionals, consider what you normally wear to the office. And then think about the next role up in the company where you’d like to be and dress for that role. It may mean a jacket and tie for men. Although, I think the new CEO look is a jacket with button down shirt and no tie. Women can wear a jacket with a colored blouse or just a blouse if the jacket feels to “corporate”. Better yet, bring the jacket and we will get both looks. In terms of color, a solid black jacket is pretty standard or the newest version in blue. Both look great with a neutral grey background.
Professional Headshot Examples
The most important thing to remember about wardrobe is that it fits properly and is pressed/cleaned. A wrinkled jacket will look wrinkled on camera. And a jacket that’s too big or too small will also be noticeable on camera. It’s worth the price of a new jacket to look amazing in your headshot!
Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) and Craftsman based in Houston, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in corporate headshots. See more headshots in the gallery. Contact me to book your professional headshot today!