Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) based in The Woodlands and Conroe, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in family portraits and children’s portrait sessions. See more family photos in the gallery. Contact me to book your family portrait today!
Children’s Portrait Sessions
Part of documenting our lives involves portraits for our children. We (and I’ll include myself in that collective “we”) do a phenomenal job of documenting every detail and step of the first baby’s life. We capture little yawns and belly buttons, fingers and toes. Then life goes on and the second child comes along. We get so busy with just doing life that we forget to document all of those beautiful parts for the second child. At Tara Flannery Photography, we love children’s portrait sessions. Let us capture the second child too! The best part is that we can capture the second child by him or herself and then the two together.
Portraits for the Boys
I was doing a corporate headshot session for Cara, who is the President of Accuworx in Houston. During our conversations, she mentioned that she had fallen behind in capturing her second son’s portraits. I said, well, we can fix that! So we had a children’s portrait session for the boys. It was so much fun playing with the John Deere tractor, and the fire truck and a blue boat. The boys were adorable and gave me their absolute best! Now, Cara has portraits for her second child and some cute shots of the two of them together. Big brother even got a few by himself too. He was showing little brother how it’s done.
Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) based in The Woodlands and Conroe, TX. Tara Flannery Photography specializes in family portraits. See more family photos in the gallery. Contact me to book your family portrait today!