Branding for Website Updates | Houston Branding Photographer

Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP)  and Craftsman based in Houston, TX.  Tara Flannery Photography specializes in personal branding and corporate branding and can help with branding for website updates.  See more branding images in the gallery.  Contact me to book your branding session today!

Branding for Website Updates

Why use stock images when you can create authentic branding images in your office?  The next time you update the company website, consider a branding session.  We tailor a session specifically for you and your business and the needs for the website.

Consider a few key images:

  • Headshots for executive leadership or the entire company – WEBSITE: ABOUT PAGE
  • Group photos for the entire team or sub-teams – WEBSITE: ABOUT PAGE
  • Action photos that show customers interacting with your company – WEBSITE: FRONT PAGE
  • Action photos that show employees getting the job done – WEBSITE: FRONT PAGE OR CONTACT PAGE
  • Product or service photos – WEBSITE: PRODUCT/SERVICE PAGE
  • Customer service representatives ready to answer questions – WEBSITE: CONTACT PAGE

Branding Session for Enbridge and their Recent Graduates

Enbridge needed to update the student career web page on their website.  They gathered several recent graduates for a branding session.  With a plan and some targeted setups, we created a portfolio of images that involve actual employees in the office.

Branding for website updatescorporate branding photographypeople meeting in an office buildingyoung man writing on dry erase boardcolleagues walking and talking in the officeemployees meeting in a common office space

Tara Flannery is a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP)  and Craftsman based in Houston, TX.  Tara Flannery Photography specializes in personal branding and corporate branding.  See more branding images in the gallery.  Contact me to book your branding session today!




Serving the Greater Houston, Texas Area


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Tara is a member of the Professional Photographers of America PPA.
Tara is a Certified Professional Photographer.
Tara is a member of TPPA Texas Professional Photographer's Association.
Tara has earned her Master of Photography degree.
Tara has earned her Photographic Craftsman certification.
Tara is a member of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston PPGH.
Member of the Conroe Chamber of Commerce